

Hi! I’m so excited to introduce you to my site!

I’m Michelle L Griffis, or the “Shel” in ShelGee Communications.

This site has been on my mind for many years. I’ve wanted to create a place where I could not only share my professional accomplishments, but also share some of my personal experiences and perspectives as well.

I enjoy connecting with people and sharing stories. I find that when I read someone else’s journey and I can relate to it, I’m drawn to that person and want to know more about them. It also helps me to know I’m not alone in having had that same experience.

It’s nice to know that this great big world of ours is smaller than we think.

As you’ll see in many of the articles in my portfolio, the people I’ve met have provided me with great insights and information, as well as various perspectives on the world and their initiatives. I hope you enjoy reading their stories!

Something I’m very passionate about includes supporting small businesses including wineries, breweries, boutiques and restaurants. I want to share their stories and connect you with them. Meeting so many motivated and friendly business owners has inspired me to not only connect with them on a customer level but also to get to know these local owners to understand where they are coming from, how they got to where they are and why they do what they do. I’ll be sharing more about them on my blog on this site. And you can learn more about what these entities are up to in real time by connecting with me on my Instagram page, @thenutmegnose.

In addition, you can also visit me @shelgriffis on Instagram, which contains my musings on my world and some of my favorite experiences. I love to hear about others’ explorations in CT, New England and around the world so please don’t hesitate to connect with me!

I’m so glad you stopped by my site! Please reach out and say hi. I would love to hear from you!


Meet the Women Winemakers of New England