What You Need to Understand About Connecticut’s Wineries

Welcome to CT’s Wine Country. Image taken on the road leading to Jonathan Edwards Winery.

Every state has its own requirements for their vineyards and wineries. Here are a few things to keep in mind when exploring Connecticut’s Wine Country:

  1. The CT Wine Trail consists of a group of 25 wineries – The wineries need to apply to be a part of the Trail; there are certain criteria they need to meet to be included. These wineries can be found on ctwine.com. And, of course on their individual websites which you can find on the CT Wine Trail’s website.

  2. The Passport to CT Farm Wineries consists of over 40 farm wineries in CT. To find out more about these wineries, please visit CT Wine Country.

  3. Wineries on the CT Wine Trail are usually included as part of the Passport to CT Farm Wineries program that is run by the Connecticut Farm Wine Development Council.

  4. There are several wineries that are NOT on the CT Wine Trail OR in the Passport. Either they didn’t apply to be a part of the Trail or ask to be included in the Passport, or they don’t meet the criteria to be a part of the Trail. Or they may have their own reasons for not participating in either program.

  5. Wineries that are NOT on the CT Wine Trail or on the Passport, for whatever the reason, does not diminish their importance in CT’s Wine Country.

I hope these key points will help you understand some of the variances to the designations of the wineries in the Nutmeg State. I hope you will visit the websites mentioned above and do your own research on wineries you may have heard of that you want to learn more about. Each winery or vineyard has their own unique story and all are well worth the visit!

If I can help answer any questions you may have, please don’t hesitate to drop me an email via the contact me button. Did you know the differences between the CT Wine Trail and Passport to Connecticut Farm Wineries program? Let me know in the comments below.


Explore the Micro Wineries of Connecticut


Tank Tasting with Nikki Auger, Winemaker at Taylor Brooke Winery