Trying Something New – Word of the Year for 2022

As we count down the minutes, days and weeks until a new year, many of us start to write down resolutions, make vision boards, get a new planner or calendar and say, “this will be MY year!”

And while I am someone who loves a fresh start, I have made the resolutions, bought the planners, created the vision boards and updated my calendars all to have those good intentions and routines kind of fizzle out as the months start to go by.

This year I decided to try a different approach. Although I still have some goals – drink more water, shed some pounds for my health, and get my office organized – I wanted to be motivated beyond just the usual methods. So, I chose a word for this year.


Before I tell you what it is, let me tell you how I came to this decision. I’ve heard a person say your word chooses you and believe me that is what happened here. I had a list of words that I was toying around with such as: strong, creative, believe, brave, joy and determined, but none of them quite hit me the way the word that found me did.


Although the last few years have been tough, they have also been filled with so many amazing things including: meeting new people, making new friends, creating new things, learning new skills, and realizing what I truly want out of my life. And for that I’m blessed. But, how to make that life a reality is still something I struggle with and I hold myself back with fear; fear of the unknown, fear of what might happen, fear of what could happen if I tried something new or did something in a way that no one else I know has done before with successful results.


I am someone who likes to look on the positive as much as possible. After some rough patches in my life, I found strength in others who helped me get back to my vision and my optimistic ways. These people reminded me to stay positive and focus on what I can accomplish and how each step along the way will help me achieve my goals.


And now, as I look into 2022, I am in unchartered territory. I am unemployed and looking for full time work with my savings and my supportive network of friends and family to sustain me in this journey. But I’m taking every day and every moment with gratitude and poise.


I believe I will make every decision to find a new full time gig, support myself through other *new* endeavors and build a life that suits me with courage, my word of the year. I will make things happen in 2022 and start myself on a trajectory towards systems, routines and habits that will serve me beyond just this new year.


As I heard the writer Anne Lamott say recently on a podcast, “Courage is fear that’s said its prayers.” I kind of like that sentiment. So, I’m taking this courage and I’m reminding myself of it every day. I think courage is what has been whispering in my ear for some time and I’ve finally taken a moment to hear it. Thank goodness for that!


Do you have a word of the year or have you ever had one? If so, I’d be thrilled if you’d share it with me here and maybe even share why you chose it.


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