How I Became The Nutmeg Nose…

Here’s the back story that led to my really fun brand! 

In the summer of 2016, I responded to an ad in the Connecticut Wine Trail’s online newsletter that’s headline read, “Love to write? Love wine?” As someone who had visited several wineries in Connecticut and was an English major in college, as well as a Corporate Communications professional, I felt like the ad was specifically reaching out to me!

I submitted an article I had written on two wineries I had just visited that summer, Stonington Vineyards and Jonathan Edwards Winery and they accepted me into the “Wine bloggers” program. During 2016 and 2017 I had the great opportunity to write for the Connecticut Wine Trail’s website and had a wonderful time meeting many amazing people who work at Connecticut’s wineries and vineyards. 

Flash forward to 2019 when I learned I would be losing my job due to some changes at my current company so I brought my resume to a career counselor at my local library and while there, the head librarian saw that on my resume I listed that I had written for the CT Wine Trail. She asked if I’d like to speak about my experience to their patrons. I said yes and gave my first talk in August of 2019. After that talk, the librarian who I worked with, Lindsay, recommended my program on the Connecticut library listserv to all libraries in the state and within a week of my talk I was receiving emails to book me at several libraries around Connecticut.


In May of 2020, after I had given some virtual talks (since many of my talks had been postponed due to Covid) it was requested that I rebrand myself to distinguish myself as a speaker on all CT wineries and not just those who are members of the CT Wine Trail. I wrote a blog post on all wineries in Connecticut here.

My good friend and talented designer, Kim Cooper, created this logo for me.

I honestly did not know what to call my brand until a good friend of mine, John, said to me, “Okay, you’ll be the Nutmeg Nose.” And I was like, “What?” He explained, “Nutmeg for the Nutmeg State and Nose, as in a Nose for Wine.”

And, the rest as they say is, history.

Since August of 2019, I have given over 40 talks at Connecticut libraries and some virtually as well. 

Thank you to all of you who have invited me to speak at your library or organization, for everyone who I’ve met at Connecticut’s wineries and vineyards and all of you who have attended my talks or supported me along the way: I’m so grateful for all of you!

If you are interested in having me present at your location, please do not hesitate to reach out on my website via the Contact Me button or if you are on my social media, you can get to the same information via the Nutmeg Nose link in my @thenutmegnose handle’s bio on Instagram.


Following the Trail…. The CT Winter Wine Trail that Is!


What to Expect When Visiting a Winery or Vineyard in CT